37+ Walking by Faith, not by Sight, E R M. ample of others, a certain manner of ailing, XV. go on in the fame beaten track without ever enquiring into the grounds of it ; and thefe habits and prejudices are as a law which con,. tinually directeth them. Others more wife- ly confider the reafons of their conduct, and have certain principles upon careful ex- amination approved to their own minds, to which they refer their meafuFes as to a. fettled rule which con4antly determined} them. The apoftle in the text mentioneth twp principles of operation in the human mind, directly oppofite to each other ; the one he rejefteth, the other he declareth to be the F.ftablifhed rule by which he conducted his Own life, and indeed, the common rule of chriftians ; we walk by faith, not by fight. In the preceding part of this chapter he treateth of the glorious hopes in a future hate which we have by yefus Cbrifl, which he carrieth fo far as to a full affurance that when the earthly houfe of this tabernacle, that is, this frail mortal body, (hall be dif- folved, we íhall have a building of God, an houfe not made with bands, eternal in the heavens. The effect which this expectation produced Was a molt earneft and folicitous defire of that eternal happinefs which was 2 tO .