explained and recommended. 37S to be confummated at the refurreEtion of S E R M. the dead ; and a confidence, as he calleth XV. it, or a firm and Ready refolution of ad- `"-J hering inviolably to his duty, whatever temp- tations or difficulties he might be expofed to. St. Paul for hitnfelf was refolved though he knew that bonds and ajlib ions did abide him, to perfevere in propagating chriftianity, and endeavouring to make converts to it ; and other chriftians are, at all hazards, to be fitedfafl and unmoveable, abounding in the work of the Lord, making it their chief Rudy, while they are in the body, and when they depart from it, to be accepted of the Lord. The animating fpring of this Ready refolution and uniform tenor of con- verfation is faith, or a firm affeftionate per - fuafion concerning the great principles of religion, the being, the attributes, and pro- vidence, of the invifible God, the reality and excellence of piety and virtue, and the truth of the gofpel motives, particularly the future Rate of rewards and punifhments ; I fay, it is this faith, as in oppofition to fight, which hath a quite contrary tendency, or the rafh and hafty judgment of the mind con- fining its views to fenfible objects, and the prefent viable appearance of things, Bb4