Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

378 Walking ay Faith, not by Sight, S E R M. the groflly corrupted human race, whom he XV. therefore deftroyed with a flood, Gen. vi. 3. that they were flefh ; their minds fo carnal, and thereby their manners fo depraved, that they were become unfit for that rank in his creation, which he had appointed for them. This is the very loweft fenfe of walking by fight, and yet fo prevalent it is in fome men, and fo governeth their difpofitions, as to form their temper and true charafter. The Epicurean philofophy, ignorant of God, and deftroying all the principles of religion, placed the chief good of man in pleafure; and to a vicious tafle, the pleafures of the external fenfes are the higheft : But it pre. vaileth more in the affeaions of many men than in their fpeculations, and the language of their hearts is truly expreffed by the apoftle, i Cor. xv. 32. Let us eat and drink, for to- morrow we die. Let us preferve our - felves as long as we can in the free enjoy- ment of all the pleafures of the animal life, for when we die there is an end of us and all our enjoyments for ever : In like manner Solomon reprefenteth Eccl. xi. 9. the fpirit and fixed ruling inclination of the licentious youth, to walk in the way of his heart, and the fight of his eyes, without con- fidering that for all this God will bring him into