Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

,explained and recommended 379 -into judgment. Nay, the fame author feems, S R rvr, by way of penitential .confeßion, to fpeak XV. of himfelf as fax gone in the fame profligate `r-' temper, chap. ii. io. Whatfoever mine eyes defired, I kept not from them r I with -held not my heart from any joy ; What can this mean but that he did not check any of his inclinations ? He had no rule over bis own fpirit, his appetites and paßïons ; but grati- fied every delire which was excited by his fenfes, which is to walk by fight in the wadi manner, as the moll voluptuous men do ; who, as the apoftle faith, Titus iii. 3. .{Are fooljh, di %obedient, and deceived, firv- ing divers lujis and pleafures. 2dly, Another fort of converfation, not fo groflly fenfual, may be comprehended in walking by fight : Every one knows that the human life is diftinguifhed from that of all other living things, with great advantages and ornaments, belides thofe which arife di- redly from the purely intelleaual and moral capacities ; tho' thefe capacities themfelves, joined as they are in man to the fenfitive life, raife it to a perfe6tion which it could never rife to without them : It is eafy to dif- cern what an addition both of beauty and happinefs, reafon, and the focial virtues bring