explained and recommended. 3 S of anion and enjoyment greatly enlarged, S E RM.; though Bill far fhort of the excellence which NV. might be attained by the due ufe of our high - ` 0 eft capacities. Now, how many are there of mankind who form their fchemes for life, and take the meafures of their condut, by no higher principle ? Solomon is an eminent example, who giveth this account of tim- felf in the days of his vanity, Ecclef. ii. from the 4th verfe, I made me great works, I budd- ed holes, I planted vineyards, 'made gardens and orchards, andplanted trees in them of all kinds of fruits. I made pools of water to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees. I got me fervants and maidens, and had fer- vants born in my houfe ; alfo I had great po /lions of great and fmall cattle. I ga- thered me a fo faker and gold, and the pe- culiar treat re of kings and of the provinces I got me men fingers and women lingers, and the delights of the foes of men, as mu ical in- flruments of all forts. How many would think themfelves happy, and their enjoy- ments of life complete, in fuch a fituation ? But that wife king, reflefting maturely upon it, pronounces all to be vanity and vexation of fpirit ; furely we may fay, that being wholly confined to the prefent Bate, and ab traft-