Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

3 8 z Walking by Faith, not by sight, S x R tai. abftraéting from all regard to religion, and XV. all profpefts in another world, it is walk- `` ing not by faith, but by fight. idly, Befides the deliires originally plant ed in our nature, which have been already mentioned, to objets introduced by the ex- ternal or internal fenfes, and which are a very powerful principle of operation in our minds; befides thefe, I fay, there are fecondary in- clinations to thofe things, which are con - fidered as the means of obtaining the grati- fication of our primary defines ; and the converfation or courfe of deliberate action, which is formed or directed by them, is alto comprehended in walking by fight. One who hath lived any time in the world muft bave obferved, that riches and power are ordinarily neceffary to acquire and fecure the poffeffion of worldly enjoyments ; therefore proportionably to the degree in which thofe enjoyments are valued, and the earneftnefs with which they are purfued, the means of them are alfo fought after. Every one muft be fenfible with what eagernefs men labour for riches and power, and how great a (hare the acquifition of them hath in the tnnfinefs of life ; it is for this they rife early and =11111