explained and recommended.' 3 8 eremohies will recommend them to the fa- S a R M, your of God, but an affeaionate perfuafion XV. concerning the fundamental doarirïes after producing fuitable difpofitions of mind, and a fuitable practice. But it is not merely to the truth contained in the chriftian revelation, or the light in which it fetteth religious do&rines, that thefe great effeáts are attributed: Abraham was juftified by faith, as well as we are ; he believed God, and it was counted to himfor righteoufnefs; he had a deep affecting impreflion of the being, the pera fection, the providence and the promifes of almighty God ; and he walked before him, making his faith perfetI by good works. And, in general, the apoftle teacheth us, Heb. xi. that without faith it is impble to pleafe God ; for he that cornett) to God, or would en- ter into a religious courfe of life, mull believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of all them who diligently Peek him ; which are doc- trines not peculiar to chriftianity, but the el- fential principles of natural religion. For un- derftanding this the better, let it be obferved, Firf, That nothing can be more abfurd than oppofing faith to reafori ; as if it were a blind credulity or an afient to propofitions as true, without confidering or inquiring V o L. III. C c into