388 Walking by Faith, not by Sight, S E R M. But as the mind of mart was not made fot XV. fuch a faith, indeed duly exercifing its in- telledual powers, is not capable of it, how- ever fome, by flrong prejudices and flupid thoughtleffnefs, may get into a confufed no- tion which they call believing ; fo let us never imagine that it is countenanced by the fcriptures, which are written for wife men, and able to judge what is faid. Particularly, the faith which the apoflle fpèaketh of in the text, and by which he and other chri- flians walked, is oppofed to fight or fenfe, not to reafon, of which it is the nobleft ufe and improvement ; and the obedience of faith is refignation, not of our underfland- ings, but of prejudices and corrupt affec- tions. 2d/y, It is abfolutely neceffary that the great effential principles of religion, both natural and revealed, be duly attended to, and maturely confidered, that they may have their proper effet. It is not enough that we have been once fully fatisfied con- cerning the truth of them, and given our affent even upon the molt jufl and rational foundation ; they muff be frequently re- viewed, and made the fubjed of our de- figned and deliberate meditation, in order to their having a fuitable influence on our temper