BOOKS printed for; and fold by, A.MILLAR. I. /" H E Works of the Learned Ifaac Barrow, 1 D. D. late Mailer of Trinity - College, Cam- bridge; being all his Englifl, Works. The 5th Edit. In 3 vol. Containing, in Vol. I. thirty two Sermons preached upon feveral Occafions ; a brief Expofition of the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Decalogue, and the Doctrine of the Sacraments ; a Treatife of the Pope's Supremacy ; and a Difcourfe on the Unity of the Church. Vol. II. Thirty -four Sermons, and Expo - fitions upon all the Articles in the Apoflles Creed. Vol. III. Forty -five Sermons upon feveral Occafions; with Tables of Contents to each Volume. The Whole publifhed by his Grace Dr. John 7illotfon, late Archbishop of Canterbury. To which is prefixed fouie Account of the Life of the. Author. Il. A Critical and Practical Expofition of the Pen- tateuch, with Notes theological, moral, philofophical, critical, and hiftorical. To which are fubjoined two Differtations, the first on the Mofaic Hiftory of the Creation the other on the Deftruction of the feven Nations of Canaan. III. Matho : or, The Cafmotherria Preerilis. A Dia. logue. In which the first Principles of Philofophy and Aftronomy are accommodated to the Capacity of young Perforas ; or fuch as have yet no Tinéïure of thefe Sciences. Hence the Principles of Natural Religion are deduced. In 2 vols. The 2d Edition. To added an Index. IV. An Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul ; wherein the Imthateriality of the Soul is evinced from the Principles of Reafon and Philofophy. In 2 vols. The 3d Edit. correEred. By the Author of Mâtho. To which is added an Index. " He who would fee the jufteft and precifeft No- " tions of God and the Soul, may read this " Book ; one of the molt finned of the kind, " in my humble Opinion, that the prefent Times, greatly advanced in true Philofophy, " have produced." See Warburton's Divine Legation of Mofes dc- monftrated, p. 395. of the sil Edit. V,