Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

BOOKS Sold by A. MILLAR. V. An Appendix ttohe FiPrfatrt of the Enquiry into the Nature bf the Human Swouhle, rein the Principles laid down there, are cleared from fore Ob-. &jeions; and the Government óf thDeeity ifi the material World is vindicated, or(hewn not to be carried on by Mechanifm afnedcond Caufes. By the Author of tEhenquiry into the Nature of thHeu- man Soul. VI. The Hf ory othfe Propagation of Chriflianity, and the Overthrow of Paganifm. Wherein the Chr f ian Religion is confirmed ; the Rife and Progrefs of Heathenifh Idolatry is corif dered ; the Overthrow of Paganifm, and the fpreading of Chriftianity, in the feveral Ages of tChehurch, is explained ; the prefent State of the Heathens is enquired into ; and Methods for their Converfion propofed. In z vols. The Third Edition cotre&ed, wEitdhitions. By Robert Millar, A. M.The Bijhop oLfondon, in his Pajlo- ral Letters, p. 133. recommends this Book as written by a faithful and judiclous Hand. VII. Sermons on various Subjects. By fohn Aber- nethy, M. A.with alarPgre face, containing the Life of the Author. In 2 Vols. VIII. Sermons on feveral Subjects. By `john Orr, M. A. &Roer of Marybourgh, in the Diocefe of Leigblin. Second Edition. In 2 Vols. Either Vol. may be had feparate. IX. Sermons ovnarious Subjetts. By yohn Balguy, M. Al.ate Vicar of North- Allerton in the County of York, and Prebendary of Sarum. In 2 Vols. Either Vol. may be had feparate. X. Sermons on feveral important Subjects. By 7anzes Foller. In q. Vols. The 3d and 4th Vols are be had feparate. XL The Works of the moll- Reverend Dr. john Sharp, late Ld. AB.p. of York. Containing 112 Ser- mons and Difcourfes on feveral Occafions. With fPoampe rs wrote in the Popifh Controverfy. In 7 Vols. XII. Deifm Reveal'd, othr e Attack on Chriftianity candidly review'd, its real Merits, as they Rand in the celebrated Writings of Lord Herbert, Lord Shafts - bury, Hobbs, Toland. Collins, Mandeville, Dodwell, Morgan, Chubb, and others. In z Vols. The zd Edit.