The Excellency of Wifdom 37 meats. In like manner, fays Yob, the ear S E x Nz. trieth words ; probably he means, the un- II. derftanding trieth doarines, and the mind '-^"--us trieth the goodnefs of things, and muff pro- nounce the bell judgment on every one that is propofed to it. There is a talle in the mind, or a power of difcerning of excel- lency, of right and truth, as well as in the mouth a talle of meats ; and it is as natural and much more invariable. When certain charaflers, aélions, and principles, are pro - pofed to us, we have as neceffarily a per- ception of excellent and vile, right and wrong, of true and falfe, as we have of Tweet, and bitter, and four, from the ob- je is of the external fenfe. And as this lat- ter is capable of being improved by experi- ence, or vitiated by a diftemper, which Both not hinder its being natural ; fo in the other cafe, there is not in all men an equal degree or extent of knowledge in the things of wifdom, which arifeth from an inequa- lity in their capacities, means of informa- tion, and attention ; but 1E11 there is in all men a fenfe of the difference between moral good and evil, of the excellence of the one, and the turpitude of the other, as foon as it is underflood, I do not fay that this ne- D 3 ceffarily