40 The Excellency of Wifdom. E R M. any bias inclineth us to the fide of iniquity II. or of falfhood, yet Rill we are confcious of a fuperior excellence and amiablenefs in righteoufnefs and truth, Thefe are the cha- raders of God's laws, which engage the efteem and affection of his fervants, I mean his moral laws, which are clearly declared in his word, and were known by the light of nature ; for the apoflle fays, the work of the law is written in the hearts of men; the Pfalmift likewife, Pfal. xix. 8. The flatutes of the Lord are right ; and ver. 9. His judg- ments are altogether righteous. And Pfal. cxix. 138. Thy t flimonies are right, good, and very faithful. It is true, that righte- oufnefs is often taken in a limited fenfe for one part of our duty to men, rendering to all their due ; but fometimes it comprehend- eth univerfal religion and virtue, to which the charaLer of right is afcribed, not merely with regard to the authority of God enjoin- ing it, but becaufe of an infeparable rectitude in the things themfelves, prior to all laws. Not only flrit juftice, but other parts of our duty, come under the denomination of righteoufnefs, becaufe of their congruity to that fenfe of right and wrong effential to the rational nature ; for example, the homage we