Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

Ways of Pleafantnefs. 63 fitteft for us. Though the original idea can- S E R M. not be learned by information or reafoning, III. yet having it once fixed, we may be rational- ly induced by a calm attention to proper ar- guments to believe there is pleafure in fome things which we ourfelves have but litttle acquaintance with, and fo be perfuaded to make the experiment. One confideration of great weight in the prefent cafe is, the teflimony of thofe who have made a trial of wifdom's ways, and they all agree in affuring us that they are ways of pleafantnefs and peace. If any thing be in a man's offer which promifeth a very agreeable entertain- ment, but he himfelf hath never experienced it, how íhall he be determined in that cafe ? One reafonable way, if it be not over-bal- lanced by more powerful arguments on the other fide, which cannot be faid in the affair we are now confidering, is, to take the re- port of thofe who are the belt acquainted, at leaft, we may well regard it fo far as to make the trial ourfelves, and then judge up- on more certain knowledge. Good men exprefs themfelves very clearly on this head, and in very ftrong terms ; they declare with one voice that they have found exceeding great confolation in the way of God's com- mandments,