Ways of Pleafantnefs. 71 confolation mull arife from the hope of be- S E R n3. ing acquitted by the great judge of the whole M. world, efpecially when we confider the fo- lemnity of the judgment, and the confe- quences of it, as they are defcribed in fcrip- ture, with an intention, as on the one hand, to alarm finners, and bring them to repentance ; fo on the other, to comfort good men, by afiuring them that their work of faith, their labour of love, and patience of hope, thall not be in vain. Now, if it be fo, that the experience of the bell men affureth us, that the ffudy and praaice of religion is pleafant ; if the experience of all men, who are in the lealI degree attentive, and even of 'the greateft finners, proves that the contrary crooked ways of vice and wickednefs have always a mixture of uneafinefs and bitternefs in the review; and if both reafon and fcrip- ture make it evident, that the exercife of true religion and virtue is the only founda- tion upon which we can have good hope towards God, then it mull be acknowledged to be true, which Solomon fays in the text, that the ways f wifdom are pleafantnef , and her paths are peace. But yet farther to confirm us in this per- fuafion, we may confider the pleafures which F accom-