Ways of Pleafantnefs. 77 when the ends of nature are obtained, the S E R tvr. appetite palls, fatiety comes in the place of III. pleafure, meats and drinks become naufeous, ` - and the ufe of them opprefieth rather than pleafeth. No man is able to recai pleafures of that fort, he rather fauns a reflection upon them, from a confcioufnefs that they will not bear the calm examination of his own mind. On the contrary, the pleafant- nefs of wifdom's ways, defigned for the conftant exercife, and the conftant enter- tainment of the mind, never flattens, never becomes taftelefs or burthenfome ; it will abide the trial of our cooleft thoughts, and the more we examine it, Bill it will be the more delightful, always frefh, always new; and the more we ufe it, the more it encrea- feth, and will ííi11 encreafe, till the pure ftream endeth in rivers of pleafures which are at God's right hand, as the Pfalmift fpeaketh; and the joy groweth up to that fulnefs which is in his prefence. Lally, Thefe are to be accounted the greateft, the nobleft, and in all refpeéts the molt valuable comforts, which fupport and relieve the mind in its greateft need. See- ing we find ourfelves liable to calamities of feveral forts, and particularly to death, which is