94 Of Chriflian Liberty. SERM.tion cif your hope towards God, circumcifion IV. and the mofaick ceremonies, as neceffary L"'"") to juftification, Chri/1(hall profit you nothing; for, 1 teJ1 fy again to every man that is (fo) circumcifed, that he is a debtor to do the whole law : Chr f is become of no e f ec`I unto you, whofoever of you are jufl fed by the law, ye are fallenfrom grace. And for the other erroneous opinion con - netted with and purfuant to that lift men - tioned, the necefiïty cf circumcifion, and the ceremonies as terms of religious communion, or a qualification for the chriftian fervice; the apoftle as clearly determineth againft it, in the ad chap. of the fame epiftle : The cafe was this ; after fourteen years abfence from yerufalem, during which time he had been labouring in the work of the miniftry among the Gentiles, he returned again to ,7erufalem, and he communicated to the chriftians there the doc`frine which he had preached; (chriftianity free from the obli- gation of the Jewifh law) but he firft com- municated it privately to them who were of reputation, the apofl:les and other chief men among the brethren, leaft by the arti- fices of the Judaizers fome prejudices might have been raifed againfl him and his niftry. In this expedition he took with him