ìo8 Of Chrilian Liberty. S E R M. The chriflian church being thus erected, 1V. purely a fpiritual kingdom, under the foie '' dominion of Chrift, as the head, the model of it finifhed by himfelf, and its laws irre- vocably fettled, was certainly a compleat conflitution in its kind, worthy of the wif- dom and grace of its founder, and fitted in the beft manner to promote its end, that is, pure religion and univerfal righteoufnefs. But as the original law of nature, in itfelf perfect and fufficient for its proper ends, if it had been rightly underflood and applied, yet became ineffectual, and the defign of it in a great meafure defeated, through the weaknefs and depravity of men ; nor could this inconvenience be prevented, without fuch an interpofition on God's part, as muff have altered the nature of things, or been inconfiftent with the effential rules of his moral government. In like manner, chri- flianity, however perfe t as an inflitution, and excellently adapted to the defign of re- forming mankind, and bringing them to the true practice of piety and virtue, yet being given to frail and fallible men, mull be lia- ble to be abufed, and in a great meafure rendered unfuccefsful by their folly and per - verfenefs, as in fart it hath been ; nay great and effential alterations have been made in its