Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of Chri ian Liberty. 213 divine wifdom forefaw this great change, S E R na; and it was foretold by the fpirit of prophecy W. Which is the tellimony of yefits: That by the "v"--"d permifügn of providence fuéh a monftrous in- novation fhould be introduced fundamentally everfive of our holy religion, and that under the name and pretence of catholic chriftiani- ty, is a very fhocking event, inexplicable by human underftanding, and to be num- bered among the depths of the knowledge of God, whofi judgments are unearchable and his ways pall finding out. It is, however, the Zefs (hocking; becaufe we are forewarn- ed of it in the fcriptures, which clearly de- fcribe the grand apoftacy, its rife, progrefs, and its odious charafer, when at the great - eft height, ftained with fuperftition, idola- try; and the moft abominable wickednefs ; and in the fame fcriptures we are taught to hope for better times, for the fall of the king- dom of darknefs, and graven images, and for the reftoration of primitive chriftianity, which is the true kingdom of Chrift. Thefe predictions we have in fotne confiderable meafure leen verified, many churches for- merly under the papal jurifdiEtion have re- nounced that yoke, forfaken the Rotnifh er- rors and fuperftition, and returned to purer principles, and purer worfhip. Yet the re- V 91.. IV. I forma-