1,4 ir Of Chrjian Liberty. S E R M. and no other authority than his, nor other V. motives than thofe he bath declared, being c"' capable of producing that obedience which alone can fatisfy the obligations of chri- ftianity. This prerogative, however, of Chriil, and thefe privileges of his fubje &s, have been molt injurioufly invaded by the popifh hierarchy and fcheme of religion, which is a kingdom direly oppofite to his, and a religious model perfealy the reverfe of the chriftian conftitution. By confider - ing this contrail, of the chriftian Rate as delineated in the gofpel, and the antichriftian ufurpation introduced upon it, we may the better underftand the excellency of the for- mer, both in refpeát to purity and freedom, and be led thankfully to acknowledge the goodnefs of God in our begun deliverance from the fervitude of the other, which we hope will be carried to a yet greater per- feEtion. But it may be neceffary to enquire a little farther into the extent of human power and liberty in matters of religion, fnce there is a diverfity of fentiments upon this fubjet among proteftants themfelves, force of whom Pet up claims to authority, much more mo derate indeed than thofe of popery, which vet others difallow. There are churches . of