Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of Chrian Liberty. 119 of great eminence in the reformation which S E R M. in their publick confefíions affert, that the V. church, meaning that which is called repre- Tentative, or an affembly of church guides, bath authority in matters of faith. The expreffion feemeth to be exceptionable, and the pretenfion to a power of determining points of faith, very unbecoming men who acknowledge themfelves fallible : But, to make it confluent with proteftant principles, it is interpreted as meaning only what is called a minifterial authority, which fingle teachers as well as focieties of them have to declare their own fenfe of fcripture dotrines, which doth not at all bind the confciences of others, nor is intitled to any farther re- gard than that of fair and impartial exami- nation, equally due to the opinions of pri- vate perfons, and only to be received as every chriflian judging for himfelf feeth it fupported with fufficient arguments ; Nor are thefe church - definitions, as fuch, en- forced with any fantion, any rewards or puni(hments affeting the fpiritual Rate of men ; for being no part of religion, as the apoftle faith in another parallel cafe, they do not commend us to God ; for neither if we receive them are we the better, nor if we re- ceive them not, are we the worfe. But fince the I 4 beft