Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of ChriUlian Liberty. z .s9 It in the power of men to deprive his difci., St x m. pies of that liberty wherewith he bath made V. them free ; and the meaning of my text cannot be, (land fall in that liberty, except- ing fo far as your governors fee fit to abridge it. Here I am willing to lay the main tirets of our argument againft the principle I am oppofing, or of our defence againft the im- pofition of indifferent rites and ceremonies in religion, that it entirely altereth the foot upon which that matter is placed in the New Teftament. According to the decla,. rations and the praEtice of the apoftles, no- thing is required to the purpofes of chriftia- nity, but our receiving the doEtrine of Jefus Chrift, and fubmitting to his moral pre- cepts, and his own exprefs inftitutions ; in indifferent things we have liberty, not a liberty to be direFted in its exercife by ca- price, humour, and private intereft, nor ever to be alienated and fubjefted to the will of men, but to be ufed éonfcientioufly as the chriflian virtues of prudence, and cha- rity (hall in all circumftances determine every chriftian judging for himfelf. But the opinion of our adverfaries, in the Taft ma- terial point, is juft the reverfe of this ; it is, that betides the doarines, precepts, and ri- tual appointments of Chrift, we mull fub- V o L. IV. K mit