Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

146 Of Chriflian Liberty. S È R M. humility and meeknefs, and univerfal good V- will. If any want to afpire after pre -emi- nence, there is no road but one, by abound- ing more than the reff in in'lances of bene- ficence from piety and love. When an union ceafeth to be pra &icable on thefe principles, it can never anfwer any one valuable purpofe of religion upon any other; the obfervation holdeth univerfally, that his firvants you are to whom you yield obedience. If Chriif is our lawgiver and head, then are we all the common fervants of one mailer, and all ''and in the equal relation of bre- thren, to whom it is unnatural to have any other contention among them than flriving to prefer, one the other in love. And for you, my brethren, who are pro - fefi'ed nonconformifls, I cannot but think it highly necefary you shouldbe well inffruéted in and rightly underffand the true grounds of your nonconformity, which, inftead of having any ill effeét on your temper and behaviour, will infpire you with juff and catholick fentiments of religion, tend to cultivate generous difpofitions, and the bet- ter to direct your conduct towards the pub- lic, towards your fellow Proteflants who differ from you, and towards one another. To found our diffent merely upon educa- tion, or a general confufed liking of the manner