Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of Chr f1ïan Liberty. 147 manner of worfhip ufed among the Diffent- SE x Me ers, better than that of the eftablifhed V. church, which may be the effect of educa- tion, is mean and unworthy of a good caufe, capable of a much better defence, and it will not juftify us to ourfelves upon an im- partial examination ; but the principle of li- berty, if upon inquiry it appeareth to be rightly applied in this cafe, will fully fatif- fy our own minds, and teach us to act a praife - worthy part in every refpet. For, in the firft place, difl'enting upon that foot only, aimeth at no private intereft, but what we ourfelves, and all chriftians muff efteem the molt publick good, the intereft of chri- ftianity itfelf, the fufliiciency and perfection of the rule of religion delivered by Jefus Chrift the foie king of his church, and the good of the whole community of his difciples; it afferteth the rights of them all, and pleadeth their caufe, not merely ours in particular. Now, the more publick any rights are which have been in- vaded, the more laudable a defence of them hath always been reputed ; and though a good man, for the fake of peace, will readily forgo a private benefit of his own, yet a generous publick fpirit will determine him to refift an ufurpation upon privileges, L z corn-