Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

6 Temptations to Evil, not from God. SE R M. condu &, accefîäry to any one of their I offences. This St. fames of erteth with great earneftnefs as a principle of the utmoft importance to be believed, and deeply imprefl'ed on our minds. Let no man fay (let him reject with abhor- rence any fuggeftion that bath fuch a tendency) that he is tempted of God ; for God is not tempted with evil, nei- ther doth he tempt any man. Secondly, The true and the molt ufeful account of the origin of fin to every par- ticular perfon ; that which really is the fpring of prevailing temptation, is his own loft. Fin i, That God in all his works and ways, the whole of his adminiftration to- wards mankind, ftandeth perfectly clear of tempting them to moral evil ; he is not in the leaft degree, or by a fair conftruftion, in any part of his condut, acceffary to any one of their offences. For our better under- ¡landing this doctrine, let it be obferved, that it bath an immediate and neceffary con - nefioh with the true chara Ier of the Deity. Reafon teacheth us, and the fcripture very expreffly, that he is a being of the molt per - fed moral reëtitude or holinefs; which at-. 4 tribute,