Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

154 Of Chri/lian Liher!y. S1 RM. (laves of corruption, ferving divers luis and V. pleafures. The apoftles frequently warn 'Y chriftians againft abufing their liberty for an occafion to the flefh, and a cloak of malici- oufnefs ; and Purely no party or denomina- tion, at this day, have more reafon than the Proteftant- diífenters to apply thefe cautions to themfelves ; their vices, their animofi_ ties, and uncharitablenefs, will bring difcre. dit on their pretended confcientious fcruples, and make their zeal pats for humour and perverfenefs. It is certain that, in our days, the venerable name of liberty hath been wretchedly mifapplied ; I with it may never be fo by the Nonconformifts, to licentiouf nefs in morals, and an utter negleEt of the chriftian inftitutions, which are the very reverfe of that liberty wherewith Chrif hath made us free. S E R-