Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of the Kingdom of God. 757 declaring that the kingdom of God was come, S E R M. or at hand; and it feemeth to be the prin- VI. cipal (cope of his parables, which are a "-^(--J great part of his difcourfes, to explain it, and by familiar and eafy comparifons to let men into the knowledge of it. Every one muff fee it is the gofpel Rate he intendeth, when he likeneth the kingdom of God to a lower fowing his feed on different forts of ground, meaning the different entertain- ments the word of God meeteth with in the world, and even among them who profefs fubjedion to it ; to a merchant feeking goodly pearls ; to leaven; to a marriage fupper ; and many other things, which tend to Phew the nature and delign of chri- ftianity, and its wonderful efficacy to the captivating of the hearts of men to God and to religion, recovering them from their degeneracy, and engaging them in the pur- fuit of durable riches and righteoufnefs, that invaluable provifion which divine mercy bath made for them, that they may be brought at laft to perfe6 happinefs, in a thorough fubjeCtion to God, and confor- mity to him, and in the enjoyment of his favour. But the queftion is, why this is called the kingdom of God ? In order to under - Rand