Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of the Kingdom of God. 159 ftand up as an heap, are no more than the S E R ra. effects of his will, and the impreffion which VI. his mighty command maketh upon his works, that never do or can refift him. But as there are many of the creatures whom he hath endued with underflanding and liberty, with a capacity of knowing him and his authority, of being determined freely by rational motives, and yielding a willing obedknce over thefe he exercifeth a moral government, and this is now pro- perly his kingdom. A ferious refleâion on ourfelves, will lead us to acknowledge that we are the fubjeEls of our creator in this refpeft; we are made with a fenfe of right and wrong, of good and evil, and our choice of the one or the other is neceffarily and unavoidably attended with a perception of pleafure or pain, in our accufing or ap- proving thoughts, which Thew the work of his law written in our hearts, with a fanc- tion added to enforce our chufing the good and refuting the evil ; and lince this muff be attributed to a conflitution of his, it fully proveth his relation to us as our lawgiver and our king. But fome of the reafonable creatures re- volted from him ; not refilling his power, to which the united flrength of them all is 3 utterly