Of the Kingdom of God. ¡69 grace that bringeth falvation bath appeared, S E R M. teaching us to deny ungodlinef and worldly VI. lufis ; and to live foberly, and righteoujly, `"r".4 and godly, and that we fhould be diligent in every good work, in all the parts of our duty, in the pra &ice of all religious virtues which relate to God, our neighbours, and ourfelves, all which my text comprehend - eth in one word, righteoufnefs. The kingdom of glory, which is nothing but the kingdom of grace confummated ; they differ only in degrees; that kingdom of glory, I fay, or the heavenly Rate, is righ- teoufnefs in perfeftion; this is the heft idea we can form of it ; the integrity and per - feEtion of the human nature in a moral fenfe reftored, and the image of God corn- pleatly repaired. Righteóufnefs is the quali- fication in his fervants for the blifsful vifion of God, and it is the very fubftance and effence of felicity ; that likenefs to God and refemblance of his moral excellencies, which (hall fully fatisfy, and be the fpring of the pureft perpetual joy. To this purpofe the apolile iohn faith, i epiftle iii. 2. we know that when he (hall appear, we Jhall be like him, for we (hall fee him as he is. Like him in truth, like him in purity, and in good - nefs, and, in one word, righteous as he is. What