Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of the Kingdom of God. S E R M. What thould the beginning of the hea- VI. venly kingdom be, that is, real vital chri- ' " ' ftianity, but the beginnings of righteouf- nefs, fincere though unfinifhed virtue ? The gofpel is accomodated to an imperfeâ Rate of human nature. Though it giveth no countenance or indulgence to any moral defect, on the contrary, in the moft earneß manner preffeth purity of heart and con - verfation, yet it giveth the greaten encou- ragement to the finners, who are fincerely difpofed to reform, to cart off the inglorious yoke of fin, and to become new creatures. It declareth forgivenefs, not that we may continue in fin, but that we being dead to fin fhould live to God ; it containeth the moft powerful motives to determine our judgment, and work on thofe affefions which God hath planted in us; it offereth gracious affiftance to our feeble powers, and, by the influences of his fpirit, God worketh in us both to will and to do, that thus we may be induced and encouraged to work out our own falvation, to cleanfe ourfelves from the filthinefs of the flefh and of the fpirit, and to forfake all wicked ways, unrighte- ous doings and thoughts, and return to the paths of virtue ; and having entered into them, that we may hold on our way in defiance