Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

172 Of the Kingdom of God. S E R M. and forrow, naturally attend the ways of VI. fin. So the mind of man is framed, that it is impoffible for him to be eafy and fatif- fled in giving himfelf up to the conduct of luft and paillon ; for confcience is as infepa- rable from our nature, as any power or af- feftion whatever, and will be found at l4 to have the greateft (hare in our happinefs or mifery, its condemnation to be molt pain- ful, and its approbation to yield the trued and molt folid pleafure ; great peace have they who love God's law, nothing (hall fend them. By returning dutifully to that difpo- fition, and ordering our converfations agree- ably to it, there is a folid foundation laid for lafting tranquillity ; the harmony of na- ture is reftored, and all the appetites and inclinations are in a peaceful fubjedion to reafon and confcience, which of right hold the fovereign dominion in the foul. The glorious gofpel bringeth peace to men upon earth, it reprefenteth God as pacified towards them ; finners juftified upon the conditions of believing and repentance ; by fubmiting to it, the health of the mind is reflored, from which an undifturbed fere- nity doth even naturally fpring : Ìhis is the peace of God that pajfeth all underflanding, which keepeth the hearts and minds of fincere chriftians,