Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

f }'f si 174 Of Ilse Kingdom of God. S E RM. made in himfelf of twain (the formerly di. VI. vided and alienated yews and Gentiles) one new man, fo making peace, Eph. ii. 14, 15, It appeareth that, next to the great defign of reconciling us to God, not imputing our trefpajs, and recovering us to virtue and righteoufnefs, there was nothing more di. redly in Chrift's intention, than reftoring peace and friendfhip among men ; and next to faith and love, whereby we are united to him, there is nothing more the defign of his kingdom, and a fundamental of the gofpel conftitution, than charity, the bond of perfetnefs and of peace ; fo that if we obey the exhortation of the apoftle, then are we the fubjets of Chrift indeed, and his kingdom is within us : Col. iii. 15. And let the peace of God rule in y;ur hearts, to which ye are called in one body. And, laftly, the joy of the Holy Ghoft con- cludeth the defcription of the gofpel king- dom. Nothing can be more worthy of the belt of kings, than to intend and to promote the happinefs of his people. The glorious king in Zion, who is juft, having falvation, meek and gracious, not only provided for the eternal felicity of all his faithful fob - jests, but their prefent comfort as far as this 5 Elate