Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

182 Of Believing in yefias Chrifl. S E R M. cepts and the example of Jefus Chrift re- VII, commend; on the contrary, the honeft un- prejudiced mind, that with underflanding and good affeEtions receiveth the word, bringeth forth fruit abundantly. Whofoever bath ears to hear let him hear; whofoever is not under a moral incapacity by depraved affeaions, ve- hement pafíions, and vicious habits, will at- tend to what is fpoken by that great prophet and teacher, whom God bath anointed and fent into the world to declare his mind. Suppofing this to be our difpofition, our proper and moft important enquiry will be concerning the terms of the gofpel, and what it demandeth of us ; and every one Xnuft fee, that faith in our Lord yefits Cbrif is one main duty of a chriftian, and made chief condition of his acceptance with God. It runneth through the whole New Teftament, as its principal fubje t. What our Saviour in preaching the gofpel of his kingdom firft propofed, was, that men (hould believe in him, and upon their compliance he promifeth that they (hall not fee death, but have everlafting life ; and on the other hand he threateneth, that whofoever did not believe fhould be condemned and perith, The doctrine of the apoftles was the fame: Tiny infíted on faith ás a fummary of the terms