Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of Believing in yeti's Chrill. 189 lieving on Chrift being a principle of very S E R u. univerfal influence on pradtical chriftianity, VII. and which tendeth to produce all religious difpofitions and a religious converfation, it is ufed as an abridgment of our whole duty, and as containing all which God requireth to our acceptance with him. St. Paul expreffeth it thus, and very fignificantly, Gal. v. 6. Faith which worketh by love, and faith it is that only which availeth to juftification and acceptance in God's fight, not circumcifion nor uncircum- cifion ; now, if faith worketh by love, what it produceth mull be obedience, for the love of God is the grand principle which natively tendeth to all good works, and it is ufed in fcripture for the whole of religion and virtue, The apoftle fames treateth this fubje5t di- ftinâly in the fecond chapter of his epiftle; he confidereth faith in another light, as a mere fpeculative affent to truth, without any influence on pra&ice, and then he pro - nounceth it vain and unprofitable, like the body without the fpirit, dead ; or like kind words, and empty profelions, without any real friendly difpofitions, or alts, hypocritical and ufelefs ; fuch faith even the devils have, the worft of beings, and whom we conceive to be without any moral goodnefs at all. FIe therefore fheweth the neceflity of obedience or