Of Believing in Yefirs Chrifl. fi9t nefs, and the pra6tice of all religious virtues ; S E ita+a; this difference, I fay, is accounted for by the VIL different hates and circumftances of the per -' Ions to whom chriftianity and its laws were publifhed. When our Saviour and his .apo- files preached the gofpel of his kingdom to in- fidels, the great aim was to perfuade theme to believe and embrace it; upon this as is condition there was an offer of pardon of all their paft fins, and fefus Chr, who had full power to do it, declareth them entered into a hate of favour with God and of falva- tion ; fo great virtue there was in believing againft the prejudices of education, and in oppofition to the reproaches and many dif- advantages which attended it at that time, that God was pleated to annex to it the protnife of a free juftification. But when they were entered into the chriflian hate, they were nett to be underhood to be without law, that is, without obligation to obedience to God, ui under a law to Chrift ; dead indeed to the law of works by him, but being united to him and putting themfelves under his go- vernment, that they might bring forth the fruits of holinefs unto God. The gofpel, far from making void the eternal and immutable law of nature, enforceth it hrongly, and addeth new motives to obedience ; and this great