AIR 192 Of Believing in refus Chr2f . S E R M. great truth, inftead of being diminifhed or VII. weakened by chriftianity, is eftablifhed, that `".W.'"' without holinefs no man can fee God. There- fore to them who have received Chrift Jefus the Lord, and are his profefied difciples, the pra lice of righteoufnefs is Hill inculcated, and a patient continuance in well doing is made the condition of eternal life. This is eafily intelligible, but it feemeth to be liable to feveral objections ; as, firft, that the fcripture no where intimateth any differ- ence in the terms of acceptance and falvation declared to men, as if there were one law and way of juftification for converts from in- fidelity to the chriftian Religion, and another for the profefled difciples of Chrift. Nay, the Apofle Paul in explaining the dodrines of chriftanity to the Romans and Galatians, who were faints, and had long continued in their profefiion, as much appropriateth righ- teoufnefs, or a title to the divine favour, to faith, as it is any where done in the whole New Teftament ; he declareth the gofpel to be a law of grace, and that according to it, our acceptance is of faith, that it might be by grace, intimating an infeparable connedti- on between there two, and that faith is the foie eftablifhed method for finners being juf- tified