Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of Believing in 7efus Chrift. z g3 tified and obtaining accefs to God, and to the S E R M. grace wherein we Band. VII. ad/y, It is difficult to apprehend that the `'"`r"°j promife of juftification, or palling from death to life, fhould at any time, or in any circum- ftances, be annexed to bare believing, or a naked affent to the truth of chriftianity as a divine revelation. It muff always be fuppo- fed, that God dealeth with men according to their moral conduct, and doth not diftinguifh them by his favour, any otherwife than in proportion to the virtue and goodnefs which is in their difpofitions and behaviour; confe- quently, the rewards of the gofpel were not annexed to mere believing; and if we fup- pofe the confederation to be what is only praife- worthy in faith, namely, a fincere love of truth and goodnefs, with a diligent impartial inquiry ; wherever that is found, it will be equally acceptable to God, in profeffed chrif- tians, as well as thofe who never before heard the gofpel. 3dÿ, It is apparent from fcripture, and particularly from my text, that it is the will and commandment of God to men, even to chriftians, that they fhould believe on the name of Jefus Chrift. This is exprefsly re- quired, as the apoffle here telleth us, not of Jews and heathens only, when the gofpel Vo L. IV. O was