Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

196 Of Believing in 7efus S E R.M. oufnefs, and going about to efiablifh their own VII. righteoufnefs, have not fubmitted therfelves un- to the righteoufnefs of God, Rom. x. 3. Their own righteoufnefs was their fulfillment of the ceremonial law, wherein they were fcrupu- loufly exact, even to the minuteft circum- ftance of tithing mint, annife, and cummin, and the molt inconfiderable ceremony of waffling pots, and tables. But if we confi- der the whole (train of the apofile's doctrine in his epiftle to the Romans and Galatians} where juflification by the law is fet in dire& oppofition to juftification by faith, in the blood of Chrifl, and the former, or the pre- tence of righteoufnefs by works, pronounceth vanity on Chrift's death, that juftification by works, and by grace are utterly inconfrftent, the one eftablifheth our claim to a reward as a debt, the other utterly difclaimeth it, and excludeth boafling ; if, I fay, we confi- der this, it would feem that it is not only obedience to the ceremonial law, to which the gofpel doth not attribute our juftification, but the moral law alto; for as it is declared univerfally, that no flefb'hall be juflified by the saw, comprehending the Gentiles who never were under the Mofaic inflitutions, as well . as the Jews; and that becaufe by the ,law is the knowledge of fin, which certainly is to be