Of Believing in ,Yefies Cbrifi, 199 ter price to his juftice, than what our utmoft S E x M. punifhment would be. And as thus the VII. fcripture reprefentation of our acceptance, that it is wholly of grace, leadeth us to acknow- ledge that the terms of it are repentance, and a fincere though imperfeEt obedience, which I have already (hewn you are included in believing ; fo, if we confider the moral perfeftior.s of God, they will diret us to the fame conclufion ; for if the Deity be infinitely good and holy, a lover of virtue or moral rehtitude, what can we imagine he will ap- prove or accept in his reafonable creatures ; but the goodnefs of their affections, and their behaviour, their integrity and conformity to his own molt righteous nature and will ? Can it ever enter into our hearts, that he will diftinguifh them in his regards by confider - ations entirely foreign to this, or reckon any thing to them as their obedience that is not really fo ? It is therefore what the apoflle calleth the obedience of faith, which is counted to us for righteoufnefs ; that believing, as I have explained it, which comprehendeth all thofe good difpofitions and affetions which are neceffary to it, with its genuine fruits. Thus we fhall find the dohtrine of the New Tefta- ment, upon the head of righteoufnefs, con- 4 frftent