202 Of Believing in f fus Chr. SE R M. and reafonably propofed to them, but in a VII. very imperfect manner, and difguifed and mif- `°ti°' reprefented through the erroneous opinions, the foolifh comments, or, as the apof}le fpeak- eth, by the ,,lleight of men who lie in wait to deceive. The righteous judge of the whole world will not condemn men for not believ- ing what they had not the means or the ca- pacity of knowing, and he will make mer- ciful al ov.ances for the difadvantageous and abfurd manner in which it was fer before them ; but for fuch as are difinclined, and difaffeäed to the doctrine according to godli- nefs, and becaufe it thwarteth their vicious appetites, therefore reject it, there is juftly refereed a terrible condemnation ; thefe are the unbelievers againft whom our Saviour pronounceth his awful fentence. 2dly, Unbelief, as it is ufed in fcripture, fignifieth an obftinate difobedience; it is the guilt of them who know the truth and affent to it, having a form of godlinefs, or a re- ligious profeffion, yet deny the power of it, living in contempt of the chriftian laws ; as the apoftle fpeaketh, feruing divers lufis and pleafures, living after the flefh, detaining the truth in unrighteoufnefs, and being abominable, difabedient, and to every good work reprobate, That this is the fin of unbelief, appeareth from