Of Believing in yefus Chrïfl. 203 from the account already given of faith; for S E R M. if it confifteth of all good, pious, and vir- VII. tuous affedtions, then unbelief, which is di- reddly contrary to it, implieth the want of thefe, or the oppofite difpofitions ; and that in this fenfe the facred writers ufe the word is plain from many inftances, particularly in the third and fourth chapters of the epiftle to the Hebrews, where the apoftle treateth large- ly of the cafe of the Ifraelites in the wilder - nefs, fetting the example of their fin and punifhment before chriftians for an admoni- tion. The guilt charged upon them is un- belief; but, furely, that was not open re- jeaing of the revelation which was given them, for as they had very convincing evi- dence of it, they profeffed their afi'ent to it, though they were unftedfaft and perfidious in God's covenant ; their guilt was difobe- dience to the moral law, the rule of piety and righteoufnefs. At the t 7th verfe of the third chapter to the Hebrews, it is faid, God was grieved with them that had finned, whole carcafes fell in the wildernefs; and at the t 8th verfe the fame perfons are defcribed thus, they believed not, and therefore God favore in his wrath that they fhould not enter into his refl. At the 2d verfe of the 4th chapter, it is faid, the word preached did not profit them, not be- ing