Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Of Believing in Jefus Chri/l. 205 amended; for that is.indeed to build up our- S E R M. felves in faith; and let us, fince we believe, VII. be careful to maintain good works, and add `'"'J to the faith which we profefs, virtue, know.. ledge, temperance, patience, godlinefs, and charity : Thus (hall we glorify our heavenly Father, whofe name and doârine is blaf- phemed among infidels by the impiety and wickednefs of his profeffed fervants ; thus (hall we do all the honour we can to the holy Jefus, the author and finifher of our faith, our Mafter and Lord, and adorn his doc- trine in all things ; thus (hall we lay up a good foundation for ourfeïves againft the time to come, and our hearts not reproaching us for unbelief, that is, hypacrify and difübedi- ence to the gofpel, while we profefs to be- lieve it ; we (hall have confidence towards our great Judge, and not be ajhan;ed before bins at his appearing. S E R-