[ 206 ] SERMON VIII. Of INABILITY to do GOOD arifing from VICIOUS HABITS. JEREMIAH xiii. 23. Can the Ethiopian change his fkin, or the leo- pard his fpots? then may ye alfo do good that are accuflomed to do evil. S E R M. ,( S nothing is more neceffary to a ratio - VIII. 1 l nal conduct, and to our purfuing the --v- .J proper ends of life, as becometh intelligent creatures, than to enquire into the various capacities and fprings of a &ion, which are in our nature, how far the exercife of them de- pendeth upon our own power, and choice, and how it ought to be directed ; fo the na- ture, the force, the forming, and regulating of habits, have an important part in this in- quiry, becaufe it is certain habits have a very great (hare in governing our practice. By a habit, I mean a difpofition to aft af- ter a particular manner with eafe, dexterity, and pleafure, acquired by frequently repeat- ing