220 Of Inability to do Good S E R M. this cafe, evil habits, fo far from taking away VIII. the guilt of the fins which are committed in "Y""' purfuance of them, they aggravate it rather, and render the finners obnoxious to a more fevere punifhment. This certainly is the meaning of the text, for the fcope of the whole chapter is to reprefent the heinoufnefs and aggravations of the peoples iniquity, and, therefore, in the name of God to threaten with extraordinary punifhment. To this purpofe is the emblem of the Girdles fo marred, as to be good for nothing, and the threatening of aftonifhing and confounding judgments, producing an infatuation like drunkennefs. The prophet, therefore, earn - eftly calleth upon them to hear and give glory to God, by humble confefhon and re- pentance, the only way to prevent their ruin; he telleth them, he would himfelf mourn for their incorrigible obflinacy and their mifery ; and immediately after the text, addeth the following declaration in the name of the Lord, therefore will I fcatter them as the Hubble which pa /th away by the wind of the wildernefs; this is thy lot, the portion of thy meafure from me, faith the Lord, becaufe thou hall forgotten me and trufled in fallhood. All which plain- ly fheweth, that their wickednefs is aggra- vated, not leffened by their cuftomary evil doing,