arifing from vicious Habits. 223 becaufe they know in their hearts, that every S E R M. Rep of their progrefs to the mofi confummate VIII. ßupidity, is voluntary ; and that all the in- `°`/"4 fiances of their hardened wickednefs are the effefts of their own choice. Secondly, That the difability of habitual fanners to do good, to alter their courfe, to forfake their wicked practices, and do that which is lawful and right, is total and abfolute, equal to the in- capacity of creatures to change their very na- ture and conflitution, Inch as the Ethiopian changing his fkin ; this is contrary to fait and experience. It is very well known in a mul- titude of inflances, that men by firong refo- lutions, and a vigorous exertion of the na- tural force of their minds, have actually con- quered very inveterate habits, and turned to a quite different way of living. Some re- duced to extreme poverty by their idlenefs and vices, and finding themfelves upon the point of fiarving, have formed in their difirefs firong purpofes of future honefi and fober indufiry, which they executed with fo much vigor, as to find the effeEis in their happy re covery to an eafy and reputable condition in life, and to a virtuous Efate of mind. Others brought to the very gates of death by in- temperance and exceffes, have been reflored to health by a refolved abftinence. Now, 3 thefe