Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

íar, ang from vicious Habits. 22g living, confirmed by a long habit ; one of S E R M: them meanly dejected (hall yield to his ap- ViIL prehended ill fate, and without looking for a remedy, which he thinketh utterly hope- lefs, fuffereth himfelf to be carried down the ftream of his accuftomed paffion to his de- ítru Lion ; the other (heweth himfelf a man, and being fully fenfible of the urgent neceffity, armeth himfelf with courage to encounter all difficulties, and with hope to furmount them. Suppofe, again, as in the other cafe, ' two men langui(hing under dangerous diftempers contraéted by luxury, and abftinence is the only remedy ; the one from a juft way of thinking, having fortified his mind with in- vincible refolution, fubmitteth to rules, and however uneafy it may be for a time, denieth his appetite, whereby he getteth the better of his former ill habit, and at Taft his health is re-eftabli(hed ; the other with a reproach ful and unmanly weaknefs, though he is told and hath the greateft reafon to apprehend what the confequence will be, continuing the flave of his brutifh inclination, indulgeth it, and by it perifheth. You fee then where the difference lieth, that it, is in ourfelves, and what that impotence is which arifeth from habits, that it is no more than irrefolu- V o L. IV. Q.. tion