228 Of Inability to do Good S E x M. their difobedience to the Gofpel ; tell. this VIII. people, hear ye indeed but underhand not, and fie ye indeed but perceive not; make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and fhut their eyes, left they fee with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and under - fand with their heart, and convert and be healed. And Mofes in Deut. xxix. defcribing the obduracy of the Ifraelites in the wilder - nefs, that they had not been reclaimed from their rebellion, by all the figns and wonders which had been wrought before their eyes, faith at ver. q:. The Lord bath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to fee, and ears to hear unto this day. But the meaning of all this, is not as if there were a natural im- poffibility of the converfion of Sinners, and . their returning to a better mind and better life; much lefs, as if any thing were omitted or done on God's part to hinder their amend- ment, for he is always willing that men fhould repent, and ready to give them all neceffary affiflance in order to it : the defign is only to thew that finners, by being accuflomed to evil, are fo deeply engaged in their wicked courfes, that it is extremely difficult to reclaim them, and that whatever God feeth fit, as the wife and good moral Governor of the world, in order to their reformation, they are un- 3 happily