arifing from vicious Habits. 23 1 unbelief, impenitency, or difobedience, which S E x M. excludeth the firmer from the kingdom of VIII. God. But the cafe is not fo defperate ; there -,r- -+ is yet hope concerning the worft of men ; God waiteth to be gracious to them, unwil- ling they fhould perifh, if they are difpofed on their part to fubmit to the remedy which his mercy hath provided. The firft point to be gained, and indeed a very im- portant one, is, to bring them to ferious at- tention. This mutt be acknowledged to be difficult, for the natural tendency of indul- gence in any evil way, is to make men thoughtlefs ; they are, as the pfälmift fpeak- eth ; like the deaf adder that floppeth her ear and will not hearken to the voice of the char- mer, though he charm ever fo wifely. But at the fame time nothing can be more inex eufable. Is there any thing more becoming rational creatures than to confider what part is proper for them to aét, and what will be the confequences of their own condud2 can they poffibly have any fatisfaElion of mind or be juftified to themfelves in a ftu- pid careleffnefs about the quality, and event of their own a Lions ? and muff not reafon and confcience inwardly reproach them for a refolved continuance in negleEting to hear their voice ? If we muff flop here, and that Q_4 accord.