-32 Of Inability to do Good SE R M. according tb tour Saviour's account of them, VIII. men have no ears to hear, that is, no im- preffion can be made on their minds, and they cannot be prevailed with to give a fe- rious attention, their condition then is ex- tremely deplorable : all the powerful perfua- fives of the gofpel are loft upon them, the free offers of pardon and falvation, the molt affe6 innate. invitations to repentance, and the threatenings of divine vengeance againft the impenitent ; he that is filthy is like to be filthy Rill, and to meet with the recom- pence which is due to his obftinacy. Only let it be remembered, that the negligence and the ignorance which proceed from an affected inconfideration can alleviate no fault, po mifery, can neither make a mans omif, fions or a &ions lefs criminal in themfelves, nor fit the eafier on his mind when he re- vieweth them, becaufe this is fo obvioufly inconfiftent with the firft and moll evident obligations we are under as intelligent be- ?figs. But I will make a more favourable fup- pofition, namely, that you are folicitous about your Rate, that you are fenfible you have aEted very foolifhly, and very wicked- ly in the habitual praäice of fin, and there- by made yourfelves unhappy : but you are afraid