arifing from vicious Habits. 233 afraid it is too late to think of amendment ; S E x wt. you are too far gone in vitious habits to un- VIIL learn them now, and turn to the contrary `"'rj virtues ; you have been accuftomed to do evil, and cannot learn to do well. I have endeavoured to Phew you that the principle is falfe ; that the inability to do good con - traded by bad habits is not natural, but mo- ral, and at Jail when it is thoroughly exami- ned, amounteth to no more than unwilling -. nefs, or irrefolution. If you are heartily fo difpofed you may yet become new creatures ; you may concerning the former converfati- on put of the old man, and put on the new. You may, as the prophet exhorteth, Ifaiah is 16. .bath you and make you clean, put a- way the evil of your doings, ceafè to do evil, and learn to do well; or as the fame thing is expreffed, Ezek. xviii. 3 r. Make you a new heart. It is not in vain that God com- mandeth finners to do fo, nor Both he mock their impotence, by requiring impoffibilities. Pot on ftrong refolution, as men preffed by extreme neceffity, and having your all at fl=ake, exert the utmoft force of your minds, as impatient of an ignoble fervitude, which you are refolved at any expence to [hake off, and contending for a glorious liberty, for the empire of reafon and confcience, for the true