arîfing from vicious Habits. 235 the corruption that is in world, abfoluteiy S E R N. necefpary for chriftians, will be much more VIII. eafy, as well as fure. It is eafieft refifting v' temptations at the beginning ; when they have got head, and are grown ftrong by our compliance, it is harder to conquer them ; and every ftep of our progrefs in an evil way rendereth our retreat the more difficult. Our greateft danger here arifeth from inat- tention ; men fometimes get into bad habits before they are aware, but never without a. very faulty heedleffnefs : Remember the apoftle's caution, take heed left any of you be hardened through the deceitfulnefs of fin, which cloth not appear more in any thing than enfnaring men into bad habits: Watch you, quit you like men, be ftrong, that you play fand compleat in all the will of God. SER-